Rebound Hip

Rebound Hip

by Ossur

Össur’s Rebound Hip brace delivers gentle controlling forces and effective functional ROM restriction in extension/ flexion and abduction/ adduction to promote optimal post-surgical outcomes. The low-profile, lightweight design supports patient comfort and compliance. The universal frame and softgood are easy to stock, assemble and quickly fit.


  • Quick-fit, adjustable frame allows for universal use and reduction of inventory

  • Quick-release pegs easily adjust the desired range of motion

  • Universal belt fits 25"-48" hip circumference with belt extender capabilities that can fit up to 67" hip circumference

  • Breathable softgoods and comfort to maximize patient compliance

  • Lightweight and slim-profile designed to make using crutches easier

  • Optional thigh strap for patient’s requiring a higher level of rotational control

  • OR Kit offers patient protection of ankle and perineum skin during intraoperative traction on a surgical table. Post-operatively, the pad and foot protectors offer comfortable protection from external rotation during sleep.

  • Indications

  • Hip conditions that could benefit from motion restriction following surgery, such as post-op following:

  • Femoral acetabular impingement arthroscopic surgery

  • Gluteus medius repair surgery

  • Hamstring repair surgery

Product Details:

Body Part
Hip Post op

Additional information:

Base L Code
Additional L Codes
Combined Stability
Available in Custom

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